Dental Bridgesby Dr. Foleck

Bridging Gaps, Restoring Confidence

Your smile isn’t just a feature; it’s a reflection of your well-being, and we prioritize your comfort and satisfaction above all else. Here at The Foleck Center, our mission revolves around providing you with exceptional care tailored to your unique needs. Whether you’re seeking to replace missing teeth or improve your oral health in the Virginia area, Dr. Foleck and our team are ready to accompany you on this transformative journey, ensuring every moment is met with expertise, empathy, and personalized attention.

Contact our Virginia dentists to schedule an appointment today. We have dental offices in four locations for your convenience: Norfolk, Virginia Beach, Hampton Kecoughtan, and Hampton Coliseum.

What Are Dental Bridges?

Dental bridges serve as a restorative solution for individuals missing one or more teeth. These prosthetic devices consist of pontics (artificial teeth) anchored between two dental crowns or implants. Acting as a bridge, they fill gaps left by missing teeth, preventing adjacent teeth from shifting and restoring the appearance and functionality of a complete smile.

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“The Foleck Center is great! Everyone is super nice and I feel very comfortable. I trust them, which is very important in a dentist. Definitely recommend!”

Courtney Benedict

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Causes of Tooth Loss

Various factors contribute to tooth loss, including:

  • Decay,
  • Gum disease
  • Trauma
  • Genetic predisposition 

Dr. Foleck emphasizes the importance of addressing tooth loss promptly, as it can lead to a cascade of oral health issues if left untreated.

Impact of Missing Teeth on Oral Health

Beyond aesthetic concerns, missing teeth can detrimentally impact oral health. The absence of teeth may cause bone loss, speech impediments, bite misalignment, and difficulty chewing. Over time, these issues can lead to further tooth loss and compromise the structural integrity of surrounding teeth.

Process of Getting a Dental Bridge

Initial Consultation

The journey toward a dental bridge begins with an initial consultation with our skilled dental professionals. During this appointment, Dr. Foleck or a member of our team will conduct a thorough examination of your oral health. X-rays, impressions, and discussions about your dental history and preferences will help in formulating the most suitable treatment plan.

Treatment Planning

Based on the assessment, if you are deemed a suitable candidate for a dental bridge, a personalized treatment plan will be crafted. This plan takes into account the number of missing teeth, the condition of adjacent teeth, and the type of bridge that best fits your needs.

Preparation of Adjacent Teeth

For a traditional dental bridge, the teeth adjacent to the gap are prepared to serve as anchors for the bridge. This process involves reshaping these teeth to accommodate dental crowns that will provide support for the bridge. If dental implants are being used, the implants will be surgically placed in the jawbone to serve as the foundation for the bridge.

Impression Taking

We’ll take precise impressions of your teeth to create a custom-fit bridge that matches the natural color, size, and shape of your existing teeth. These impressions are sent to a dental laboratory where skilled technicians fabricate the bridge to ensure a seamless fit.

Temporary Bridge (if necessary)

While the permanent bridge is being created, we may place a temporary bridge to protect the exposed teeth and gums. This temporary solution helps maintain functionality and aesthetics until the final bridge is ready for placement.

Bridge Placement

Once the custom bridge is ready, you’ll return to our Virginia dental offices for placement. We’ll carefully check the bridge for fit and aesthetics. We may make adjustments to ensure proper alignment and comfort. Once approved, the bridge is permanently bonded or secured in place using dental cement or other appropriate means.

Post-Placement Care and Instructions

After the bridge is in place, our team will provide detailed instructions on proper aftercare. This typically includes maintaining excellent oral hygiene through regular brushing, flossing, and attending scheduled check-ups. Regular follow-ups with our dental professionals at The Foleck Center in Virginia are recommended to monitor the bridge’s condition and ensure its long-term success.

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Not everyone is an ideal candidate for dental bridges. Factors such as overall oral health, bone density, and the condition of adjacent teeth play a pivotal role. Dr. Foleck carefully evaluates each patient to determine candidacy and suggests alternative treatments if necessary.

Frequently Asked Questions

Virginia’s Solution to Missing Teeth

Your smile holds the power to brighten every moment, but missing teeth can dim that light. Reclaim your confidence and joy by taking a step towards restoring your smile. Contact our centers in Hampton, Norfolk, and Virginia Beach. Let the warmth of our care rekindle your hope, ensuring that every laugh and every moment shared is adorned with the brilliance of your complete, radiant smile. Act today to rediscover the beauty of your smile and embrace a future filled with confidence and happiness.
