Sedation Options at The Foleck Center

Relax and Smile: Sedation Dentistry at The Foleck Center in Virginia

For many people, a visit to the dentist can be an anxiety-inducing experience. The sounds, smells, and prospects of dental work can trigger feelings of stress and fear. However, at The Foleck Center, you can bid farewell to those worries with their sedation dentistry services. Under the guidance of skilled and compassionate Virginia dentist, Dr. Adam Foleck, you can receive the dental care you need while staying calm and comfortable.

What is Dental Sedation?

Dental sedation, also known as sleep dentistry, involves the use of medication to help patients relax during dental procedures. It’s an excellent option for those who experience dental phobia, have a low pain threshold, or need to undergo extensive dental work. The level of sedation can range from mild relaxation to deep sedation, depending on the patient’s needs and the complexity of the procedure. At The Foleck Center in Virginia, Dr. Foleck and his team offer various sedation options to ensure your comfort and peace of mind throughout your dental treatment.

woman getting a dental checkup

“Every one was super friendly took time to show me around and my teeth cleaning was pleasant. No heavy hands here! Recommend coming to this office.”

Mizzy Mike

Sedation Options

The Foleck Center offers the following sedation dentistry methods:

Oral Conscious Sedation

With the oral conscious sedation method, you’ll take a prescribed pill about an hour before your appointment. The medication used for oral conscious sedation, typically a benzodiazepine like Halcion or Valium, will induce a state of deep relaxation. You’ll remain awake and able to respond to verbal commands, but you’ll feel incredibly calm and comfortable. Many patients report feeling a pleasant, almost dream-like state during their procedure.

Intravenous (IV) Sedation

Also known as “sleep dentistry,” IV sedation involves the administration of medication directly into your bloodstream through an intravenous line. This method provides a deeper level of sedation compared to oral conscious sedation. 

IV sedation is often recommended for patients with severe dental phobia, those undergoing particularly complex or lengthy procedures, or those who have difficulty becoming numb with local anesthesia alone. Because the medication is administered intravenously, the level of sedation can be precisely controlled and adjusted throughout the procedure to ensure your comfort.

Nitrous Oxide (Laughing Gas)

Nitrous oxide , also known as “laughing gas,” is a popular, mild sedative choice for patients who experience moderate anxiety during dental procedures. Nitrous oxide is a safe and effective option for those who prefer a lighter form of sedation or for shorter procedures like cleanings or fillings.

What Happens During Sedation (Sleep) Dentistry?

We begin with a consultation to help understand your needs and help choose the right sedation option. At the appointment for your procedure, we’ll administer the sedation as per your request, putting you into a deeply relaxed sleep. The treatment and procedure are performed, and when it is complete you’ll be taken to a recovery room. The recovery room allows you to wake up fully from the sedation before you leave our office. You will need someone with you to bring you from your appointment as it’s unsafe to drive yourself. We can provide sedation at any and every one of your appointments as requested.

If you would like to know more about sedation dentistry and the options that are available to you, call us today and we can answer all of your questions.

sedation dentistry

Frequently Asked Questions

Enjoy A Stress-Free Smile, Call The Foleck Center Today!

Dental anxiety and fear shouldn’t stand in the way of achieving a healthy, beautiful smile. At The Foleck Center, with convenient locations in Hampton, Norfolk, and Virginia Beach, Dr. Adam Foleck and his caring team understand the stress that dental visits can induce Through their commitment to compassionate care and cutting-edge sedation dentistry options, they provide a safe haven where you can leave your worries at the door and experience the transformative power of stress-free dentistry.

Learn more about our sedation dentistry options by scheduling a consultation.
